Stay updated with the latest news from the field, future events, press releases, trials and testimonials.
Nossa equipe francesa participa do Betteravenir 2023
Meet our French team @Betteravenir2023 We're delighted that our team is participating today and tomorrow in @Betteravenir 2023, Europe's largest open-field trade fair dedicated to sugar beets in Berny-en-Santerre! This event will bring together a powerful, dynamic, and ambitious sector, all united with the aim of ensuring that sugar beets remain...
Tessenderlo Kerley France participa da “Journées de la Culture du Risque”
Tessenderlo Kerley France took part in the “Journées de la Culture du Risque,” which is organized by the Rouen City Council, in collaboration with the French government's campaign to enhance resilience to risks. Elected representatives from our metropolitan area, curious local residents, and dedicated journalists eager to share insights on economic...
Tessenderlo Kerley International celebra o Dia Mundial do Algodão!
Happy World Cotton Day! Did you know that cotton is an integral part of our everyday lives? Chances are, you're wearing some right now! Cotton is grown by approximately 100 million rural households in over 75 countries worldwide. One of the significant challenges in cotton production is salinity, which is the presence of soluble salts in or on the...
Oportunidades de carreira na Tessenderlo Kerley Geleen
At Tessenderlo Kerley Geleen, we're making great progress! Our absorption tower, reactor, cooling tower, chimney, process tanks, and most pumps are all in place. The massive 4000 m³ storage tanks are currently under construction. Everything will soon be connected with pipelines and electrical cables. Even our office building is ready to go. Once...
Dia memorável no rally da InteliGro no Cabo Setentrional
Tessenderlo Kerley International had the privilege of being part of the recent InteliGro's Northern Cape Rally in South-Africa, and what a day it was! 80 farmers came together, eager to learn and share their insights.
The “Día del Nogalero” in Delicias, Chihuahua, and the “XXIV Simposio Internacional de Nogal Pecanero” in Hermosillo, Sonora, are cherished traditions that are held every September. This year, we're celebrating the remarkable journey of pecan nuts. 🌰 A gathering of pecan enthusiasts: People from every corner of Mexico, including Sonora, Coahuila...
Tessenderlo Kerley International organiza seminário informativo para agricultores indianos
Tessenderlo Kerley International recently collaborated with its distributor, Green Grow Nutrients Private Limited, to organize a farmers' seminar in India. The event took place in the Nirmal District of Telangana State, India, and it aimed at educating local farmers about the benefits and applications of Tessenderlo Kerley's agricultural CaTs® and...
Tessenderlo Kerley International se reconecta com seus distribuidores e produtores na África do Sul
With the South African spring not so far away, our team in South Africa (Renier Boshoff, William Gibson, and Waldo Boshoff) organized and hosted two seminars for distributors and growers last week. The first was in Paarl (Western Cape province) and the second was held in Marble Hall (Limpopo province). At the meetings, the sustainability...
Tessenderlo Kerley comemora os 30 anos de seu fertilizante SoluPotasse®
Tessenderlo Kerley’s flagship SOP (sulfate of potash) fertilizer, branded SoluPotasse®, is celebrating its 30th birthday this year. For three decades, SoluPotasse® has been providing farmers with the highest quality and sustainable water-soluble grade of SOP. In 1993, when SoluPotasse® was introduced into the market, Tessenderlo Kerley was the...
SoluPotasse® está sendo aplicado de forma ótima na agricultura em estufas
The agronomy and business development teams at Tessenderlo Kerley International not only share their knowledge, they also seize every opportunity to gain additional knowledge themselves. The first weekend of April, several greenhouse growers in the Netherlands opened their doors. A perfect opportunity to see how SoluPotasse® is optimally used by...
Introdução bem-sucedida do fertilizante líquido Thio-Sul® no mercado agrícola ucraniano
Despite the challenging situation, growers are continuing farming in Ukraine. In this connection, Tessenderlo Kerley has successfully introduced its liquid fertilizer, Thio-Sul® (ammonium thiosulfate solution), into the Ukrainian agriculture market. Thio-Sul® provides prolonged sulfur nutrition and increases the efficiency of nitrogen nutrition for...
Aquisição de atividades de marketing e vendas de fertilizantes de tiossulfato de amônio produzidos pela Esseco srl na Itália
O Grupo Tessenderlo tem o prazer de anunciar a assinatura de um contrato de aquisição das atividades de marketing e vendas dos fertilizantes de tiossulfato de amônio (ATS) produzidos pela Esseco Srl (parte do Grupo Esseco) em Trecate, Itália. Esses fertilizantes ATS serão comercializados pela Tessenderlo Kerley International, unidade de negócios do...
Construção de nova fábrica de fertilizantes líquidos na holanda conforme o cronograma previsto
Hoje, a Tessenderlo Kerley International realizou uma cerimônia de lançamento da pedra fundamental para a construção da nova fábrica de fertilizantes líquidos na planta de Chemelot, em Geleen, Holanda. A Tessenderlo Kerley International está construindo uma fábrica de Thio-Sul® (tiossulfato de amônio/ATS), que será usada como fertilizante para...
Descubra como nossos fertilizantes Thio-Sul®, KTS® e CaTs® impactaram a qualidade das bagas e a absorção de micronutrientes, ajudando a resolver problemas específicos do processo de cultivo de mirtilo e framboesa, tais como baixas temperaturas, alto pH e salinidade no solo e na água.
Graças à nossa barcaça, Blandina, que está transportando ácido clorídrico de nossa fábrica de Tessenderlo Kerley em Ham, Bélgica, até as instalações da Kuhlmann Europe em Loos, França, estamos contribuindo para haver menos 4.500 entregas de caminhões por ano. Com essa abordagem de transporte hidroviário evitamos cerca de 1,6 milhão de km de viagens...